12 Tips For Removing Common Household Stains

12 Tips For Removing Common Household Stains

By : angelina
Did you discover several stains while deep cleaning your home? Well, the best way to get rid of household stains is by using household items. These all natural cleaners suggested by expert bond cleaning services on Sunshine Coast will eliminate all those stains and make your home eco-friendly and hygienic. Here are some of these natural solutions to remove household stains:

1. Gum

Gum is something that you probably find all over the house in unique places. It can often land up on the carpet and become embedded in it. To get out gum from your carpet and other areas, you can:
  • You must first loosen the gum by placing some ice over it.
  • Next, you should try scrapping it out in a sideways motion with a butter knife.
  • After this, combine 2 cups of water with ¼ vinegar and one tablespoon of dish soap in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the gum stain area and blot it gently with a clean microfiber cloth or towel. Let it air dry and repeat if necessary.

  • 2. Wine

    Another standard stain you might come across in your house is a wine stain. Professional bond cleaners on Sunshine Coast recommend that you first blot the area with a wet towel. Then put salt on it if the stain is new as it will help get most of it out. Next, in a spray bottle, you should mix a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with 4 cups of water. Shake the bottle until it bubbles, and then spray it on the stain. Remove the stain by blotting it with a fresh towel.

    3. Blood

    If you find a lot of blood stains in your home, you need to clean and sanitise them so that your home is hygienic. Start by blotting the area with cold water. Then apply some dish soap and blot it again with water. Next, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and let it sit for ten minutes. Blot away the residue with a fresh towel and repeat if necessary. Remember to use cold water only as hot water will make the blood stain set more.

    4. Coffee And Tea

    One of the most common stains is coffee and tea, which can be found across the house, from carpets to walls. To remove these stains, blot the area with a fresh towel and then spray cold water on it for 5 minutes. Put some dish soap or detergent on it and rinse it. Make a detergent paste with vinegar and water if the stain still refuses. Apply this to the stain and leave it for twenty minutes. Blot it out with a fresh towel and repeat if necessary.

    5. Mud

    It is common when there is a lot of foot traffic in your home to find mud all over. Bond cleaners on Sunshine Coast suggest that you let the mud dry before treating it. Then vacuum all the loose debris and dirt out. Next, mix one cup of water and one teaspoon of dish soap in a spray bottle. You should then spray and blot the area with a wet towel. Keep repeating this process until all the mud comes out, then let it air dry.

    6. Grease

    If you find grease stains on your walls and carpets, you can remove them by mixing one tablespoon of dish soap with cold water in a spray bottle. Spray it on the stain and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with a towel dipped in cold water and vinegar.

    7. Sauce

    One of the worst carpet stains is sauces and scrubbing these stains will only deepen them. Instead, you should start by removing whatever you can from the stain with a fork. Next, dab some cold water on the stain and add a bit of dish soap to rinse it. If the stain doesn’t come out, put some hydrogen peroxide on a wet sponge and dab the area with it. Repeat this process until the stain comes out.

    8. Oil

    Oil is one of the most common household stains and can be removed easily. Quality bond cleaners Sunshine Coast suggest that you first blot the area with a paper towel and add some baking soda to get rid of any excess oil. Scrub the area with a toothbrush and then vacuum out the stain.
  • Next, add one teaspoon of dish soap to around 4 cups of water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the area and leave it for ten minutes.
  • Then finish by blotting the stain with a wet sponge and work from the outside towards the stain.
  • Keep doing this till the stain comes out.

  • 9. Scuffs

    If you have scuff stains in your home, the easiest way to get rid of them is by rubbing a Magic Mr Clean eraser over them. Keep doing so till the scuff stains come out, and your house is neat and clean.

    10. Window Clings

    If you find a lot of window clings, you should spray some bleach on a paper towel and leave it on the window for fifteen minutes. You can tape the edges so the bleach can work on the stain. When you remove the towel, the stain should come off. Remember to use gloves when applying the bleach so that it doesn’t lead to any skin conditions, and also wear a mask so that you don’t inhale the bleach fumes.

    11. Ink

    For ink stains, the main thing is to get the colour out. You should dab some nail polish remover on a wet towel and apply it to the ink stain. Leave it for fifteen minutes, then wipe it with a fresh towel. You should repeat this until the stain goes away.

    12. Pet Stains

    With pets, there are bound to be some stains here and there. You can get rid of these stains by blotting the area with a wet towel until the moisture disappears. Next, mix ¼ cup vinegar with four cups of water in a spray bottle. Then spray the area and wipe it away with a fresh towel. Repeat until the stain goes away and the vinegar will also help eliminate any odour.


    Use the above tips from experts who offer bond cleaning Sunshine Coast to get naturally rid of any household stains.