How to Clean a Carpet in An Eco-Friendly Way?
Dirty carpets are a common problem in households because the fixtures are constantly exposed to dust, dirt and grime. They look extremely bad and also smell unpleasant because bacteria start eating the contaminants instantly. Bacteria grow rapidly on carpets as the fixtures absorb moisture in your home’s indoor air, and the pathogen can double in number within 8 hours.
Pollutants and germs not only make the fixtures dirty but also reduce the shelf life of the carpets. Besides being a health hazard, dirty carpets are a major problem for renters, and you can lose your bond because of them.
You can hire professionals to sanitise them thoroughly for end-of-lease cleaning in Sunshine Coast at the end of a tenancy. Carpets need regular cleaning and maintenance to remain fresh and plush all year round. Commercial carpet cleaners work effectively, but they have dangerous chemicals, which is why you should know how to clean a carpet using natural cleaning products.
Therefore, listed below are different ways how you can clean a carpet eco-friendlily.
In a bucket, mix water and rubbing alcohol in equal proportions.
Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and an essential oil of choice (optional)
Damp a micro fibre cloth with the solution ensuring it is wrung well.
Wipe the carpets with the cloth until it gets dirty, then dip it again in the solution and wring it well.
After wiping the carpet, let them air dry before vacuuming thoroughly to have a fresh and dust-free carpet.
To remember where you have cleaned during bond cleaning in Sunshine Coast, do what professionals do. Divide the carpet into four quadrants and clean each quadrant from the innermost corner towards the edge.Mix hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid in a bowl and apply on the stain.
Wait 5 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth. Afterwards, blot until the stain lifts.
Lastly, vacuum after the carpet is free of stains.
This method comes in handy when you have to spruce the carpet before end of lease cleaning in the Sunshine Coast & don’t want to spend on carpet stain removers.
Spot-Clean with Soap & Water
Before you reach for fancy carpet cleaners, you must try to get the stubborn carpet stains out with dishwashing liquid and water. Mix clear soap and warm water in a spray bottle and spritz it on the dirty area. Scrub a little with a brush, then dab until no residue comes off on the paper towel. Never rub stains, as it will cause the mess to spread and be harder to remove.Sanitise Carpets with the Low Moisture Dry Cleaning Method
Carpets trap dust particles and smell, and to tackle these problems, all you need is rubbing alcohol and water. Rubbing alcohol is a pH-neutral cleaner that lifts dust, dirt and grime from surfaces, leaving them sparkling and squeaky clean. It is a natural cleaner that doesn’t harm the environment or cause allergies. To use dry carpet cleaning, follow these steps.To remember where you have cleaned during bond cleaning in Sunshine Coast, do what professionals do. Divide the carpet into four quadrants and clean each quadrant from the innermost corner towards the edge.