Six Common End Of Lease Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid
Moving out of rental premises is one of those stressful situations where tenants have to wait to know whether they will get their bond money back or not. And there is a good reason to worry about it. According to the tenancy agreement, a landlord/agent has the right to hold back a part of the deposited money if the property is not in a pristine condition at the end of the lease period.
Being a tenant, it is your responsibility to thoroughly clean the leased property from top to bottom, including the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and patio area to secure your bond money. However, data shows that only 50 % of tenants in the Sunshine Coast receive their full bond back.
Due to minor mistakes, tenants lose their security deposit. If you don’t want to get into any dispute with your landlord, call for the professionals for bond cleaning in Sunshine Coast. Apart from this, take a look at the six common mistakes that should be overlooked while cleaning your rental premises at the end of the tenancy.
1. Overlooking Pet Dirt
Having a four-legged member in a family is not an issue. The problem arises when you overlook cleaning pet-related dirt during the end of lease cleaning process. Many people commit this mistake and then end up losing their security deposit. If you have a pet at home, keep your floors and carpet clean and stain-free. Deep clean your floor coverings, patio area and entrance gate using safe and sound products. Don’t forget to deodorise your carpets and rugs before the final property inspection by your landlord. Also, remove dust and dirt accumulated on skirting boards and door tracks using a damped microfiber cloth.2. Leaving Air Ducts/Vents Dirty
There is no denying the fact that detailed bond cleaning is a difficult task and you may need professional assistance from a trained end of lease cleaners in Sunshine Coast. But, if you have taken the responsibility to spruce up your rental premises, make sure clean everything from top to bottom, including the fans and filters of exhaust fans and filters. Of course, these are hard-to-reach areas that most of us forget to clean it, but you can’t take the risk of leaving them dirty before the property inspection. Take a look at the exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen and remove dust particles, grime and grease. Also, clean air conditioning filters for better outcomes.3. Stubborn Marks on Walls and Doors
What if your landlord comes to inspect the leased property and he notices damaged walls or marks on the front door. Believe it or not! You could lose your bond money because of this only. If you care about your deposited money, then spot cleaning around light switches, walls, and door handles becomes imperative. So, avoid committing this mistake and try to keep blinds, windows, skirting boards while cleaning your property at the end of your lead period.4. Forgetting About Kitchen Appliances
Many tenants forget about cleaning their oven, microwave and dishwasher while sprucing up their kitchen. If you are doing the same, then you could face problems in getting your bond money back. All kitchen appliances need deep cleaning, especially dishwasher and oven. So, pull the filters out from your dishwasher and clean the internal trims to remove dust, leftover food particles and grime. Landlords also thoroughly check the oven while inspecting the property. They should be as shiny as possible. So, get rid of food splatters, build-up grease, burnt food residues and other dust particles using a biodegradable cleaning product.5. Lack in Maintaining the Outdoor Area
Do you have a beautiful garden outside your house? Are you maintaining it to impress your fussy landlord? If no, then you could be in big trouble. Regular maintenance of outdoor is vital to keep the garden area clean and beautiful when you handover the property to the landlord. Remove all the loose dirt, dead leaves and trim the plants once a week.6. Ignoring Moulds and Mildew
Don’t make a mistake like others do and try to remove mould and mildew from your walls, tiles and other hard surfaces. Tackle it as soon as possible by scrubbing the areas like shower head, bathroom walls, grout, and other wet areas. Use sanitisers and disinfectants to kill bacteria and germs throughout the tenancy.Conclusion
End of lease cleaning is one of those chores that required both time and physical efforts. With multiple tasks to do, many tenants overlook some key areas and then lose their bond money. If you don’t want to lose money, then try to avoid committing the six minor mistakes while cleaning your rental premises.
You should consider hiring professional and highly-trained bond cleaners in Sunshine Coast. They will thoroughly clean the premises and return it in a clean condition.